Ali Rebaie
Industry Analyst for Big Data & Founder – Data Aurora
Ali Rebaie is one of the top Big Data influencers worldwide and appeared in several lists of “Who’s Who in Big Data” and quoted in leading media outlets. Ali founded Data Aurora, a data science consulting services firm that help organizations produce aurora of patterns in “data”. He is also the President of Rebaie Analytics Group which works provides advisory services to software vendors and also help software buyers to set big data and information management strategies and architectures. Ali is a frequent speaker at international conferences and regularly trains on data science and visualization. As a School of Data fellow, he have been training hundreds of data enthusiasts, spreading data skills and educating on the use of the data pipeline methodology. Ali is an Advisory Board member of the internationally renowned Boulder BI Brain Trust (BBBT) in Boulder, USA, a membership-only consortium of leading independent BI and Big Data experts and analysts worldwide. You can follow Ali on Twitter @AliRebaie or contact him at AliRebaie.com.